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New Home Construction

every one

deserves a decent and affordable place to call home

About Our Program

We build decent and affordable homes in partnership with families in need of a decent place to live. Habitat homebuyers help build their own homes alongside volunteers and then purchase their home to pay an affordable mortgage.


The homes we build may come in different shapes and sizes, but they all share the same Habitat principles:



Habitat homes are modestly sized. They are large enough for the homeowner family’s needs, but small enough to keep construction and maintenance costs affordable.  We use quality, locally available building materials and our home designs reflect reasonable housing trends .



The labor of volunteers and partner families, efficient building methods, modest house sizes, and no-profit loans make it affordable for low-income families to purchase Habitat homes.


​Did you know? Our homeownership program relies heavily on local partnerships and community involvement to determine how many homes we can build and how long it takes to build them. You can support our program by making a donation, or volunteering on one of our build sites.  




How to become a Habitat Homebuyer

Our program screening begins with the demonstration of three primary criteria:


























​We partner with hopeful homebuyers throughout their journey toward homeownership from the time an application is submitted until the home dedication ceremony. Our family services team works with applicants on budgeting, financial education, credit repair, home maintenance, closing expectations, and more. The timeline from an approved application to home dedication can range from 12 - 18 months. During that time, our partner-families are building relationships and gaining skills, knowledge, and resources to reference long after they've completed our program.



All applicants must

  • Be a citizen or permanent legal resident of the US who has lived or worked in Colorado County for at least 12 months;

  • Have a steady family income within 40-80% of the area median income per HUD.

  • Display willingness to partner with the Colorado County Habitat sweat equity program, background checks, financial education classes, and other homeownership programs.


If you do not meet all of these qualifications now, there may still be an opportunity for you to apply if your situation changes.


Can anyone apply to become a Habitat Homebuyer? 

Yes. Habitat follows a nondiscriminatory policy of homebuyer selection. Neither race nor religion is a factor.








Need for Shelter

Prospective Habitat homeowners must demonstrate a need for safe, affordable housing. Need will vary from community to community.

Ability to Pay

Habitat Homebuyers must be able and willing to pay an affordable mortgage. Mortgage payments are cycled back into the community to help build additional Habitat houses.

All applicants must pass a criminal background check and will be subject to a credit assessment / financial plan. 

Willingness to Partner

Once selected, partner-families must partner with us throughout their journey toward homeownership. This partnership includes performing “sweat equity,” or helping to build their own home or the homes of others in our homeownership program. 

Application Process

1.  Click on the button below. It will take you to the Prospective Homeowner Interest Form 


2.  We will notify you of the next steps after we receive your completed form. 




Make an Impact

Every single one of us deserves the opportunity for a better future, and decent shelter is the most critical element to living well.

When Habitat Homeowners partner with us, they begin a journey to a better, healthier, more financially stable life. Every child, every parent, every person, deserves to feel strength and stability; and every single one of us can do something right now to help make that possible for another family.


Your financial support, your voice, and your time will help bring strength, stability and self-reliance to families in need of a decent place to live. Partner with us and impact the lives of Central Texans. 

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